Friday, August 24, 2012

OoTD - 8/22 - Wino Wednesday

A lady here in Walden had a very good idea to start a Wino Wednesday group this summer.  Basically, a whole bunch of us women have been getting together on Wednesday afternoons for wine, tasty snacks, and talk.  Weather permitting these events have been held on decks, porches, and in back yards.  It is very informal as to who all comes and has spread mostly by word of mouth.  What I really like about it (did I mention wine and food?) is that I get to visit with women that I normally don't see too often or just run into at the post office and say a passing "Hi!" to.  Another thing I appreciate about this is that we are encouraged to dress up more than for a run to the post office.  (It is not uncommon to see pajama bottoms and Crocs at the P.O.) I'm not sure if this group is going to continue into the Fall but I'm going to stock up on a few bottles just in case.

T-shirts - Steve and Utrau
Skirt - Simply Irresistible
Leggings - Sweet Nothings - Walmart
Sandals - Bass Sunjun Soft



1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Wednesdays are something to look forward to! Stocking up on wine's not a bad idea even if the group dismantles, though... You look great!

